Friday, January 14, 2022

 Side Trips (please comment)

  • Community exploration
  • Restaurants
  • Shopping
  • etc.


  1. Cape Henry Lighthouse
    False Cape State Park (with rented bikes)

  2. I like to plan activities, but sometimes weather or fatigue or mood changes what I want to do.
    I also like people to feel invited but sometimes finding people or worrying about waking them up makes it hard when on a group vacation.
    Is there an app we could all use on the trip to communicate side trip plans and invitations? Maybe we could have a google doc to consistently edit / update access when curious.
    It is less busy than group texting.
    There are times when group texting is nice too.
    Is this a public or private blog?

  3. Good comments. Thank you. Right now this is open to anyone who has the link. I could make it private if I had everyone's current email address.


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